I know I wrote that ‘Recover or Resume’ was the question….but the what’s the question that supports the need to begin with? WHAT CONSTITUTES A DISASTER in the first place? This is what Phase 1 is all about in this process. Now remember what I said, EVERY business needs to plan for this. EVERY business will do this differently and at...
2015 Planning: Recover or Resume? That is the question! BCP Primer
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a process of identifying a company’s threat exposure from a multitude of angles, processes, including hard and soft asset availability during an incident. These angles all fit into two separate overlying categories: Internal threats and External threats. The word ‘threat’ has become synonymous with anything that could...
BCP – Phase 1 – Getting started
I know I wrote that ‘Recover or Resume’ was the question….but the what’s the question that supports the need to begin with? WHAT CONSTITUTES A DISASTER in the first place? This is what Phase 1 is all about in this process. Now remember what I said, EVERY business needs to plan for this. EVERY business will do this differently and at...
Recover or Resume? That is the question! BCP Primer
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a process of identifying a company’s threat exposure from a multitude of angles, processes, including hard and soft asset availability during an incident. These angles all fit into two separate overlying categories: Internal threats and External threats. The word ‘threat’ has become synonymous with anything that could...
Recover or Resume? That is the question! BCP Primer
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a process of identifying a company’s threat exposure from a multitude of angles, processes, including hard and soft asset availability during an incident. These angles all fit into two separate overlying categories: Internal threats and External threats. The word ‘threat’ has become synonymous with anything that could...
BCP – Phase 1 – Getting started
I know I wrote that ‘Recover or Resume’ was the question….but the what’s the question that supports the need to begin with? WHAT CONSTITUTES A DISASTER in the first place? This is what Phase 1 is all about in this process. Now remember what I said, EVERY business needs to plan for this. EVERY business will do this differently and at...