It’s all in the clouds! The sell…good point!

Business leaders and IT management are heavily supporting cloud-based computing — and with good reason.  The rapid growth in cloud computing seems to deliver benefits and technology efficiencies that administrators have prayed, and dreamt about, about for years.

Most new IT innovations over the past few years have been pointed toward cloud computing.  Software as a Service, Web 2.0, grid-based computing were all born in the cloud.  It seems that cloud computing hits the target at many different angles:

  1. Aligning IT with business goals and operations
  2. Separating service from technology acquisition
  3. Automation of data center operations and management
  4. The ever popular ‘green’ initiatives
  5. Reduction in capital expenditures
  6. Enabling resources to focus on core objectives…and this includes money or cash flow

The cloud delivers massive amounts of computing power and resources for data storage and application delivery without owning the supporting infrastructure.  All of these services can now be delivered faster than ever before, in fact, most of these technologies can be delivered almost instantaneously.

Finally, businesses can focus on their services, customers and core competencies, and not becoming technology companies in most cases, as they support and tout their computing power and investment to show that they are viable and cutting edge.  But is all of this a good thing?  Is there true business value in the long run with cloud computing?

As with any new technology, cloud computing has its risks and challenges.  Application integration and security are the concerns at the top of most company’s hit lists.  It takes in-depth planning and strategic strategy preparation for cloud computing to be truly successful.  Organizations that take their time in finding the right mix of cloud and local computing technologies will be able to take full advantage of the technology and how it morphs over the years to come.

More on planning and security coming soon…

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