Windows 7 – What you should know

As support for Windows XP is no longer from Microsoft, and Vista is still a major player, Windows 7 has given us IT folk some very well needed deep breaths, sighs of relief, and that overall feeling of – Microsoft finally did something right. But how much different is Windows 7 that XP and Vista and what should you look out for and be aware of before finally making that jump?
As the two Longhorn platforms are now well-integrated into our daily lives, that is Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 for our desktops, there are a few things I’d like to start this series out with before getting into specific topics. These are things I think we all should know in general, and there is much more to come from this series, but here’s a primer for those who read and hear lots of rumor.
1. There are few major changes from Windows Vista
2. Use Windows XP mode to run your older applications
3. By using Internet Explorer’s Compatibility View, you can make IE 8 work more closely to how IE 7 did; yes that’s good.
4. Window Backup finally does
5. The touchscreen tools are awesome and hardware is expensive
6. You’ll need a guest room for the operating system – Windows 7 needs much more real estate from your storage
7. All the versions this world needs are available, and really, ALL of the versions is not at ALL an exaggeration.
I’ll address these and more in the weeks to come..stay tuned.