Well there’s no doubt that you know my feelings from my previous Ipad reviews. It just wasn’t a laptop replacement. Well I have to tell you that my thoughts on that have changed drastically. The right combination of technologies make the Ipad2 more powerful than my laptop. Read on to hear more.
So I got one fo the 64GB+WiFi units about 6 weeks ago. I opted for not getting the 3G versions because I can easily tether the Ipad2 with my access point on my HTC EVO4G phone from Sprint. I also opted for the QMADIX folio w/wireless keyboard. So at least when I’m using it, it looks like a laptop, feels like a laptop, but it is still not a laptop. With a few tweeks and some software though, you can fool anyone otherwise!
So I started as I did before – I worked with the unit, set up email and the normal stuff, downloaded a few apps and games and synced my iTunes and movies – of course. Then I started playuing around with the pen-based software. After trying 7-8 programs, I stumbled across Penultimate, and it really is. It’s that yellow notepad I have been looking for! I didn’t get an OCR app for my handwriting because I’m not truly looking for that right now. I have an unlimited yellow pad with me at all times, with great editing, color and graphics functions that make my scriblles look like works of art!
Then I tackled the ‘use as a laptop replacement’ scenario. After messing with DropBox and a few others, I quickly began to realize that that QuickOffice or Documents ToGo with Google Docs sync setup rocked the storage issue. I quickly decided to stick with QuickOffice for 1 single reason – the ability to sync my laptop data with my Ipad2 QuickOffice – right to my Google Docs account! Yep – I’ve done it with 3 of my computers and now have full libraries of everythin gI have inteh cloud – accessable from anywhere. So I have the light versions of the Office apps and all my data. I’m 90% there – and that’s truly more than I needed to get where I wanted.
Now the real tricks – by installing all of my conduits and sync items to my 3 main computers, I can now remotely access them from anywhere and use them from my Ipad, and never worry about which machine has which data, etc. I have every PC-based applciation at my fingertips as long as I have internet access somehwere and somehow. If I don’t, then I have lcoal copies of all my data that I can work directly on and sync later.
So what do I have now? What do I carry around now, and when, etc? It’s really simple now. I only carry my super light Ipad2…everywhere. If I need to perform a security scan or some advanced application use at a client location, I take my laptop with me. I even keep the laptop case in my trunk, empty, just to hold misc cables, etc…1/2 of the wieght of the bag, but it stays in teh trunk unless I need it.
So what did I gain from all of this? Lightweight workability! No more 20lb laptop bag to lug EVERYWHERE!
So what about my Samsung Galaxy Tab? I sent it back two days after having the Ipad2 in hand!
If you are interested in testing out lightweight computing alternatives, while enhancing performance and productivity, not to mention protecting your intellectual property, let me know and we can discuss the options.