If you haven’t seen this video yet, you need to, just as almost 15 million others have. That’s right, this single video has been viewed almost 15 million times since June 2006 around the entire globe. If you think that’s impressive, today, YouTube serves more than 3 billion views per day across its vast network of super computers with 60+ hours of video being uploaded to its servers every minute around the planet.
Now let’s talk about Cloud Computing. What does YouTube have to do with Cloud Computing, business applications and services? Everything! YouTube is a cloud-based video sharing service. YouTube is truly global with thousands of servers located in more than 40 countries being able to deliver its application and content on global demand.
Though this example of cloud computing is extreme, the technology has paved the way over the last 6 years to allow the rest of us to utilize cloud computing in many different ways. Through SaaS, IaaS, PaaS and DaaS services (Software, infrastructure, platform and desktop as a service), todays’ companies can take advantage of inherent and dynamic scalability, advanced business continuity planning and overall data and application serving without the need to locally house or be responsible for large data centers of their own.
Mitigating the risk of intellectual property destruction, loss and even theft, is key to controlling your mobile task force. Remote access to data is something we have all used in some way, usually from within our own corporate networking environments. The security risk by self-hosting your data can be detrimental in case of a systems failure, localized environment catastrophe, or some other act of God that we have literally no control over. Putting your data and applications in an environment inherently capable of ‘staying up’ 24×7 allows you, the executive, to focus on business not your technology.
To learn more about how Cloud Computing can benefit your business, email us at ITConsulting@singerlewak.com and one of our professionals will arrange a time to discuss your needs and desires.
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