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Series Posts

The Cloud Adoption Movement: It’s already here – Is your business part of it?

Posted by on Mar 2, 2015

The Cloud Adoption Movement: It’s already here – Is your business part of it? First post in a new series about the advantages, risks and trends about moving your technology to the...

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Computer Networks and Security

Cloud Security – an oxymoron or matter of policy?

Posted by on Jun 6, 2013

We all know what an oxymoron is, adopted phrases that seem to describe something but use two diametrically opposed words to convey them, e.g., A Fine Mess, A Little Big, A New...

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Off The Cuff

The Cloud Adoption Movement: It’s already here – Is your business part of it?

Posted by on Mar 2, 2015

The Cloud Adoption Movement: It’s already here – Is your business part of it? First post in a new series about the advantages, risks and trends about moving your technology to the...

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SingerLewak IT Perspectives

Malvertisements….Is it ever possible to avoid Malware?

Posted by on Dec 5, 2012

We all do our best to avoid advertisements in general, but with the evolution in online advertising, so comes the various ways hackers can use them to exploit our computers and the...

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Recent Posts

I like the iPad Mini more….than 1, 2 or 3!

I like the iPad Mini more….than 1, 2 or 3!

I wasn’t expecting much, to be honest, but the iPad mini is a great device. Along with many other gadget fans, I watched as it was unveiled and compared to the iPad 2, instead of the latest generation iPad. I was surprised to hear that there would not be a retina display, so I figured I’d buy it just so I could play and write about it. Well, I got...

Windows RT vs Windows 8: On the Surface, there’s still a lot of confusion

Windows RT vs Windows 8: On the Surface, there’s still a lot of confusion

Microsoft Surface has been popular enough for pre-orders to sell out but there’s continuing confusion among users and IT pros about what the Windows RT operating system it runs is and what the OS does. When Apple first announced the iPhone, it initially claimed that it ran OS X. While iOS shares some important technologies with the Mac operating system,...

Like Apple, Google Now Has Devices That Come in Three Sizes

Like Apple, Google Now Has Devices That Come in Three Sizes

    From top: the Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10. With the addition of its new iPad Mini, Apple offers touch-screen devices in three sizes. Now Google is matching that by introducing a tablet that is meant to compete directly with the larger iPad. Google on Monday unveiled the Nexus 10, a 10-inch tablet it developed with Samsung, and a new phone, the Nexus 4,...

Is it April Fool’s Day? ….Nope, that’s malware attacking your printer

Is it April Fool’s Day? ….Nope, that’s malware attacking your printer

We all run into standard printer frustrations. The inevitable ‘paper jam’ or ‘ink too low,’ when it’s clear there is plenty enough ink left to print your one page document. Let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be a Monday without it. But lately, it’s been security analysts who have been called to the printer rescue instead of the intern. Security analysts everywhere...

Exploiting VoIP for Toll Fraud – Don’t get slapped with someone else’s long distance calls!

Exploiting VoIP for Toll Fraud – Don’t get slapped with someone else’s long distance calls!

We’ve all been there…a quick glance at the monthly phone bill, followed by a second and then the long stare and a raising of the eye brows. ‘Did I really talk for that long?’ ‘He was in Singapore on that call!?! A majority of the time, it’s a slight increase in the monthly bill that draws initial skepticism. But, when the monthly phone bill jumps up to the same...

CEO’s and CFO’s – Focus on core business and NOT on IT – Cloud Computing is a Step Beyond ‘Go to My PC’

CEO’s and CFO’s – Focus on core business and NOT on IT – Cloud Computing is a Step Beyond ‘Go to My PC’

Cloud Computing is a Step Beyond ‘Go to My PC’ As seen in Accounting Today, OCTOBER 8, 2012 BY BOB GREEN, CPA. CITP  Original Article It’s time for businesses to get out of the IT business and become more strategic and I’d like to explain why. The product Go to My PC is still used in many businesses even though it has become outdated. It...