Not sure which way to go? I have the answers…

What is Data Leakage? Data Protection? Data Identification?

What is Data Leakage?  Data Protection? Data Identification?

We all know what data is – our company and/or client information – in almost any form, whether digital or not.  We all, SHOULD, know that keeping our data/information ‘ours’ is the most important of all.  Exposing any of it could be harmful to us, our clients and anyone else for that fact.  So it’s very important to know where data...

Accounting Software Selection: the “warm fuzzies” matter

Accounting Software Selection: the “warm fuzzies” matter

written by Bob Green, CPA.CITP – Partner, SingerLewak LLP – SingerLewak Systems Ok.  This isn’t my usual Cloud Computing thought leadership.  This is just an observation about Microsoft – who is yet to offer a multi-tenant ERP Cloud solution.  The observation comes from our travels where we’ve been advising clients on software selection. The...

DaaS Live Demo Webinar HERE

DaaS Live Demo Webinar HERE

Our Webinar on Getting Out of the Box and Into the Cloud Part 2 is now available.  If you missed it, or just want to see it again, you can catch it below. embedded by Embedded Videovimeo Direkt...

Sprung a leak! Where’s my data going?

Sprung a leak!  Where’s my data going?

Data leakage can happen in may ways; from from a software error condition, failures in data storage, transmission, or processing, user-based related, accidental deletion and worse – malicious intent or simple mismanagement.  This resolution and level of attention resides in valuation of your data to your business’s success and longevity. Your IT...

PROTECT IP Law Won’t Protect…

PROTECT IP Law Won’t Protect…

Summary: This proposed law is stupid AND won’t work AND will break good security procedures that consumers need. Oh, joy. As posted By ZDNet’s David Gewirtz | August 29, 2011 Comedian Bill Maher has this shtick he calls “New Rules”. In New Rules, he makes up a rule he thinks it’d be smart for us to abide by. For example, he says, “New rule: Canadian bacon...

Out of the Box Cloud Webinar HERE

Out of the Box Cloud Webinar HERE

Our Webinar on Getting Out of the Box and Into the Cloud Part 1 is now available.  If you missed it, or just want to see it again, you can catch it below. embedded by Embedded Videovimeo DirektGet OUt of the Box and into the Cloud Part 1  ...

Hands Off Systems Management

Hands Off Systems Management

When it comes to choosing a solution for managing your computer systems, it is important to understand the benefits of both a hands-on and a hands-off approach, before the selection process begins. The most fundamental criteria overall is low cost but effective; efficient and timely support and resolution when required. Contrary to more prudent and proactive...

Email Privacy Ruling – Help for Employers

Email Privacy Ruling – Help for Employers

Email Privacy Ruling Helps Employers with Security Concerns: a California Court of Appeals ruling clarifies that employees do not have enforceable privacy rights when using company email systems if the employer has a technology use policy that permits employer inspection of company email.  The Court reasoned that an electronic communication is not confidential,...

My network is slow, what do I do to fix it?

My network is slow, what do I do to fix it?

Do you ask yourself these questions? Why is my network slow?  Why are my applications so sluggish? Does this statement describe your daily stress feed? I can’t get ahead and I must increase productivity but my network is slow.  Technology just doesn’t seem ready for what I need!  HELP!!! When it comes to troubleshooting application and network...